Visualization and Affirmations for Friendship

Have you ever found yourself surrounded by people day in and day out, yet, lacking meaningful connection and community and longing for those friendships that go beyond the surface? I get it—I've been there too. Community is so essential to our health and it's normal to desire genuine, lifelong friendships. Just like visualization and affirmations can have a powerful impact on your physical and mental health, they can also have an impact on your social life, so today I’m going to share the visualization and affirmations that helped improve my mindset and open the door of opportunity for me to cross paths with the people who have become some of my very best friends.

Why does mindset matter for developing healthy friendships?

Authenticity isn't just a buzzword; it's the secret sauce to genuine connections. And the more you love yourself the easier it is to be authentic. Self-love creates a positive feedback loop. The more you value and care for yourself, the more others are drawn to your positive energy and authenticity.

Developing a healthy mindset, grounded in self-love, not only deepens your relationship with yourself but becomes the magnetic force that draws in friendships enriched with authenticity, understanding, and unwavering support. So, here are 10 affirmations and a visualization practice you can use to do just that.

10 Friendship Affirmations

Every day, my connections with others deepen and grow more meaningful

My friendships are based on trust, respect, and mutual support

I radiate love and positivity, drawing like-minded friends into my life who fill my heart with happiness

I am grateful for friends who make me feel cherished, loved, and important

I am so grateful for friends provide a safe space where I can express myself 

I release any negativity and attract friends who bring joy into my life

My authenticity attracts beautiful humans into my life

I am best friend material

I always make friends with the right people

The more I value myself, the more my friends value me

A Friendship Visualization

Follow along for your guided visualization on a supportive and loving community, visualizing is extra powerful when you are able to close your eyes and truly see it in your mind. For that reason, you may wish to pull out your phone and record yourself reading the visualization below aloud, then play the recording and close your eyes. 

Before you begin, take a moment to ground yourself, inhale…exhale…and imagine this. 

I feel so loved after receiving that long warm hug from my new dear friend.  She was the last one to leave the dinner party I just hosted with half a dozen people I equally love. My home is quiet, you feel both exhilarated and exhausted and more so happy for the connections that I’ve recently formed in my life. 

As if from nowhere, a few months back, my circle of new friends began expanding. Each of us brings out the absolute best of each other. Those at the dinner tonight they're amazing, talented, insightful, warm, caring, shy, and one who's rather well known. What made the biggest impact on me tonight is that they were all here, under my roof and no one wanted to leave. 

Everyone is so real and authentic, the kind of people I’ve always admired in the past, but usually from a distance. The conversation and antics went from waxing political to philosophical to music and the arts, and even though politics is not your favorite topic, wow there was some really good points made, and everyone just respects each others opinions. Then, the conversation turned to spirituality, ancient mysteries and finally, travel, and all of the conversations were peppered with absolute hilarity. 

I’m so fulfilled, healthy and happy and this is exactly what I’m attracting in my friend group, and of course I have more than six who attended the dinner, some who live clear across the country and others in different parts of the world. My friendships span the globe and they were happy to come.

I’m struck by how easy the conversation is with each of them. Whether we’re catching up individually or even in a group setting, I never feel like I have to hold back or hide parts of myself from them. Their warm interest just fuels my passion. 

I feel so grateful, it fills every cell in my body and I feel a smile start to spread across my face just thinking about how loved I am. I feel so complete knowing that I add to their lives just as much as they add to mine.

What did I do that brought about such changes in my social circles? How did my entire social life suddenly bloom? Well, I’ll  just have to chalk it up to a wise and adoring universe conspiring on my behalf as it always has, and it always will. This sudden change of my fortunes for the better is what I promised myself and it’s finally here.

As I get ready for bed, I whisper a little prayer, “Thank you, God. Thank you, Universe. Thank you, for my amazing life and friends.”

You can open your eyes. Now, keep thinking the good thoughts. Love your life and yourself as it already is and as you already are when you do, you’re just another step closer to inspiring, lifelong friendships. It’s the least you deserve.

In case this is the first time we’re connecting, I’m Jill, an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and leader inspiring other women to live out their God given purpose by helping them overcome physical, mental, and financial hardships.  If you liked this blog post and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together:

Improve your health and lose weight with Zallevo products,  the purely sourced supplements that helped me finally experience my own health transformation.

Pursue a work from home income opportunity surrounded by other servant leaders. I’ll coach you on how to grow a wildly successful 1099 business sharing health & wellness products that actually work.

Learn how to overcome food addiction, improve your health, energy, and confidence, and master your mindset through one of my self paced courses.


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